Ikbal Hare didn't know the real power of the dark side, until he punched it in the face.
Ikbal Hare is the man who decided to punch Darth Vader in the face, but ended up hitting Mrs. Vader instead. Yes, that is his name, Darth Vader who changed his name from Mark Nokes years ago. This story doesn't really have anything to do with Star Wars, but it's a good story when the guy's name is Darth Vader. Ikbal Hare (35) accused Vader of having romantic connections with his wife. This is why Hare decided to give Vader a little of his force, but went too far and gave it Mrs. Vader. Hare pleaded guilty in court today and is going to spend 18 months probation and go to anger management. He will also perform 200 hours of unpaid work.
“There was a scuffle involving the two men and Mrs Vader tried to get
between them," Prosecutor Tim Sapwell said in court yesterday. "The defendant struck her but there is evidence
that, in fact, he had been trying to hit Darth Vader," Sapwell said. Mrs. Vader ended up with a bruised cheek After Hare connected with Mrs. Vader, he fled to his girlfriend's house. Vader locked his wife in the house to prevent any other scuffling between the two.Vader could not catch up with Hare, but Hare was arrested two days later.
"He's just some idiot shouting his mouth off. It's over as far as I'm concerned, " said Vader. He followed by saying that the whole incident was a big misunderstanding and isn't to concerned about the ordeal. Vader isn't charged with anything, but had a feel of how force the strong is with him and the UK police.
Darth Vader is said to have changed his name to raise money for charity.