Tuesday, January 28, 2014

3 Day Weekends & Tuesday

Is this a curse? Am I being cursed? I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that I haven't gone to school in a while. But it's not my decision, it's all in the clouds. It hasn't snowed at all, just really cold and icy. That's why I haven't gone to school. But I went yesterday, and I thought my days of staying home were over. Until I checked the weather app on my phone. I didn't believe it at all that I would be staying home today, because yesterday evening it was somewhat sunny, but cold. I guess it's just that Texas weather thing. But what do I do on days like these? I had planned to go to school and now all there is to do is flip through the news stations to hear them talk about the same thing. From now on I am planning for days like these.
But now I'm thinking ahead, 12 days ahead.

In 12 days, If I can count correctly, is the first mountain bike race of this season. Last year, waking up to the smell of last nights campfire with a soaked tent wasn't the best way to start out. It had rained the whole night and my tent flooded. It was also freezing. The races are on Sunday morning, so everyone's out there the day before. These races are usually in Smithville, Huntsville, and every "ville" in Texas. The second time it was almost below freezing with the same tent, so I slept in the car. Third time it was beautiful weather at night, but my dad and I stayed in a motel, along with Westlake, who has riders that are still learning to ride a bike. But that's how it is, deal with the weather or go home. The pros deal with it, except they sleep in a tour bus.

So I think 3 Day weekends are sort of a good thing, because it helped me think, think to plan ahead.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Is it cool?: Marfa, Texas

Recently, Marfa is supposed to be a really cool place. There's nothing out there, but it's cool. It's a desert town that is extremely unique and secluded. I visited Marfa before it was "cool", back after No Country For Old Men came out in 2007. Before all of the weird art and New York millionaires moved there for it's "peace", everyone went there for the lights. I'm sure people still do, but not as much as they did before. But is it still cool? I'm still wondering if it's now worth as much for the six hour drive to stay in a teepee or airstream for 100 bucks a night. Of course it's turned into a liberal hotspot for hipsters, driving out every last grandpa for his 1832 bachelor pad. But I see it as a good thing. Too many tourists want to go to these exotic places to spend thousands of bucks. Or maybe that it's just far away from everything. Many of the big city newcomers said that it's placid environment is one of the main reasons for moving there. But why Marfa? In Texas? I don't know man, but if I move there, I'm going to create my own burning man festival and the real burning man won't even be good for the new Star Wars set. It's cool

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Teleportation is something I had been dreaming about since a few hours ago when I woke up and didn't want to walk to the shower. I mean I could just open my eyes, press a button and WOOSH, I'm in the shower. I never thought that it would be possible, but I know it will be. Like, there's that hamburger thing in a tube and cloning of things and 3D printers already, so why can't there be teleportation? There's also even the idea of teleportation! It's been around forever and in movies and so many attempts. So there's no way that it cannot be done. Star Trek, Jumper, Harry Potter, Power Rangers, X-men, Napoleon Dynamite (almost) are all movies where teleportation exists. If you could teleport, there would be no reason to drive, walk, fly or do anything. Teleportation would also have  problems too. Like, nerds hacking it, prices of the whole thing, immigrants, stalking, and more illegal stuff. But, everyone who traveled would be tracked and the teleporter would be run my the government anyway. And then, it's not even fun anymore. But, it would still be cool.

Dear Obama, please make a teleporter so that I may take a shower effortlessly.
Sincerely, your biggest fan, Elias. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

25 Accurate Predictions for 2014

This year in 2014, I have some predictions for this year, even better than the Washington Post's. These predictions aren't bold, they're real and they will happen.

I'm Jesse Ventura, and this is CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!

Paula Deen is sick and is in the hospital for 2 weeks.

Psy comes out with some new Asian thing, but it isn't as big.

Dennis Rodman becomes a North Korean citizen.

SNL does something on Dennis Rodman this weekend.

George Bush dies (old Bush)

Jimmy Fallon is on top for late night TV

Facebook Dies

 The Cardinals or Reds win the World Series this year.

Smart cars die.

Hipsters in Austin flee to Buffalo and Portland.

50's hip hop and R&B begin a new era

Tupac comes back, he was living in North Dakota under the Alias "Rukahs Caput"

Old TV shows come back, as reruns

David Letterman retires, Bieber has new show.

The Texas Longhorns go 11-2 for the new season

More athletes come out of the closet

Rhinos become extinct

Life on Moon

Blackberry goes Bankrupt

GM Thrives

iPhones aren't a hot commodity anymore

Coffee prices skyrocket

Gas prices plummet

The Aztecs reveal an apocalypse date

Board Games become a thing