Sunday, April 6, 2014

My house is haunted (Spoiler Alert about ghosts)

Alright, so I know this sounds normal, but my house is haunted. I'm not just some guy who thinks his house is haunted, I AM a guy who KNOWS that his house is haunted. I had this "lucid" dream (if I'm using that word right) where I'm pretty sure something woke me up and turned me into a zombie one time. In my "dream" I went inside every room in my house and touched the floor, and then touched the ceiling. But I had to watch out for the candy Dots that flew around my house, looking for zombies. Unfortunately on my first trip, I was caught by a Dot, and I woke up. The second time, I was able to get to every room, even the one's people were sleeping in and do my zombie devil ritual thing, unconsciously, because I was possessed by the devil ghost in my house at the time. I noticed I was having these sleepwalking things when all of my pillows and sheets were upstairs and I sleep downstairs. I also have a spiral staircase in my house, and that makes it even more creepy. I also noticed that my house was haunted when my clothes were all moving on their own in my bedroom. They were moving in a wave motion, but they were my clothes so I wasn't too freaked out. So is my really haunted? I don't really know, but it probably isn't cause isn't everyone's house haunted? There are also so many things that have an influence on us that makes us think that things are haunted. I can't remember, but I'm sure I had watched a movie with ghosts, a book (probably not), or something else that made me think that if anything else had the same characteristics like in the movie, it's haunted. So if you're that kind of person who watches ghost shows and exorcist documentaries, chances are it's 1000% fake.                                                    

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