Monday, March 17, 2014

Pizza is the national food of ME

Sorry to Naples, Italy, but we sort of own the pizza. I know that pizza was originated in Italy and when you think of pizza, you think of the Italian flag and "Italian style" pizza with the New York pinch of flavor, coming from all of the Italian immigrants of course (thanks), not George Washington and a bald eagle, but it's ours. I noticed this the other day while I was buying my weekly suit and thought what the real food of our country is. The first few things were the hamburger, pizza, funnel cake, weight loss pills, and ice cream. I then scientifically narrowed these down to hamburger and pizza. How is that? Well it's simple. I asked a random group of 20,000 people of which food they prefer. 38 percent said they like Hamburgers and the other half said they want some pizza. And when you think about it, when has any class had a hamburger party? Never. Because pizza is easy to make, eat, and throw in the fridge for tomorrow. There's also not a pizza flavored hamburger, but there's a hamburger flavored pizza. Or when it's Friday and you say, "hey what are we gonna eat tonight?" And then someone says "lets get pizza!" I also researched the amount of pizza shops versus the amount of burger joints in Austin, TX and there's more hamburger joints than pizza, unfortunately. Well, I at least like pizza. So it's the national food of me I guess. But don't worry, I eat healthy too, and so should you. Maybe a veggie pizza would fix that. With gluten free bread too because I once ate gluten free bread and woke up looking like all three Jonas brothers. 
 eating healthy

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